【请投票支持】最美好和平的请愿倡议The peaceful petition from people


【作者徐达辉】【编者按:作者徐达辉, 大芝加哥地区中国和平统一促进会成员, 曾经三次赴台湾探索和平统一方案,三次都被台湾民进党政府无理禁止其登机入境台湾。。该文写于2023年11月15日中国国家主席习近平在美国旧金山会晤美国总统拜登的当天,作者原想把该文发布在美国总统奥巴马执政时期的白宫改变请愿网站,但2020年拜登担任总统时关闭了该白宫请愿网站。敬请读者签名附议】

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The most beautiful peaceful petition

Dear President Biden:
On the 17th of this month, in San Francisco, When you had a much-anticipated meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping,President Xi Jinping asked you in person that the U.S. government would support China’s cause of peaceful reunification. You did not respond on the spot. A day later, while the White House spokesperson responded to reporters from various countries.only said: This is the standard statement of the Chinese government and we do not take a position. This is a profound disappointment to people all over the United States and around the world.

Leaders of all countries have equal status, but the Chinese President still asked you to support China’s cause on behalf of the U.S. government. This is full respect and reasonable expectations for the United States as the world’s only superpower. You should have responded on the spot, even if it was just diplomatic; When the official reply comes the next day, it still means there is no answer: as long as it is a reasonable question from others, we should give a clear answer to the question; the more believe that the question is the standard statement of his government, the more my government should give a standard answer instead of the contrary, otherwise, it will only make the world have reasonable doubts!

Not replying when it is time to answer is a minor discourtesy – inconsistent with the etiquette of reciprocity;The middle is mentally retarded – making the world feel that the dignified president of a superpower and his team cannot even answer this common sense question; The big one is unreasonable – because the United States has enacted the Taiwan Relations Act, which directly affects China’s core interests and the interests of all people; the U.S. government has also continued to provide non-peaceful weapons and other specific behaviors to Taiwan, which are enough to affect China’s peace Unified process. Therefore, unlike other countries in the world, the U.S. government has a legal obligation to answer the Chinese government’s questions! Trying to respond by “not taking a stand” is tantamount to “taking a stand” – if you don’t support China’s cause of peaceful reunification, do you support China’s cause of armed reunification? Or do you just want to see the bloody and destructive war taking place on both sides of the Taiwan Strait? Because China’s laws, national policies and the law of natural balance have declared that China will be unified and necessary unity. In the face of nature, laws are irresistible; in logic, the law of exclusion is either one or the other and does not tolerate ambiguous diplomatic rhetoric.

Moreover, many Western leaders, including the President of the United States, have repeatedly said that if the two sides of the Taiwan Straits are peacefully reunified, you are happy to see it happen! as the head of government,all are supposed to keep your word, right?
Therefore, in order to demonstrate your first rationality as president, the legal responsibility of the U.S. government, your leading role in world civilization, and your ability to take advantage of the laws of nature, especially regarding the love and protection of basic human rights to life and property rights of hundreds of millions of people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait in China and even around the world, we the people sincerely request you to give a clear answer as soon as possible on behalf of the US government: (Only) play the key role of the United States and use various methods to support China’s peaceful reunification! Set a successful example of peaceful reunification with the support of the United States throughout the world! Only in this way can we not only avoid the outbreak of bloody wars or at least the coercion of wars that waste people and money, but also, with the creative exertion of the Chinese governments or people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, we can set up a new scientific and the best social model for all mankind, and will definitely give back to the United States, forming a virtuous circle.

If you and the government are still unable to respond to our petition within a reasonable period, then please submit this initiative to the United States for a referendum immediately and establish a referendum direct democracy system- even Taiwan, protected by the United States, has already implemented a “referendum” ” system, all voters have primary initiative and referendum rights. How can the United States, which is known as the world’s most democratic country and the leader of the democratic world, lag behind Taiwan? How can we win the trust of the people? The long-standing problems in the United States, such as private gun ownership, drug abuse, dog breeding, lovelessness, etc., will be solved through referendums. Miraculous and beautiful models such as Alibaba and Open Sesame will emerge from referendums. Only then can the United States truly become a world leader that convinces the world.
We wish you good health and success in your work!

Sponsor of the Beautiful Peace Petition: Dahui Xu